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Email Delivery Management

Email Delivery Management

When it comes to email delivery, we're your biggest advocate

Getting those emails to the inbox can be a complicated, frustrating task. The rules change constantly and unless you have tons of time on your hands, you will struggle to keep up with those ever-shifting protocols. Well, put your feet up and relax. We've got you covered. Our staff and partners work together with both Internet and email service providers to get your emails to the finish line.

The Email Sender & Provider

This elite consortium requires that all their members not only use opt-in methods, but only the very best email marketing practices.


Return Path

Return Path is the industry's leading email delivery and consulting service. We work closely with Return Path to not just optimize delivery, but adjust to new rules and guidelines to make sure your mail gets delivered.

Survey Email Invitations

Enjoy sky-high delivery rates

Benchmark Email:

Reviews each and every customer before they join our service, making certain that they follow good email marketing practices and do not rent or buy lists.

Hosts our own staff of people solely dedicated to following changes in the industry, using that knowledge to optimize delivery for each and every customer.

Maintains great relationships with email and Internet service providers, and takes a pro-active approach to solving delivery problems.

Is fully CAN-SPAM Act compliant and puts an unsubscribe link, address info and other compatible data in each and every email.