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Email Marketing Solutions

Create campaigns, manage your contact lists and forge solid relationships with your email recipients.

Email marketing shouldn't be rocket science. That's why we've made it easy. Our email marketing service brings you a whole slate of features, from email list management tools to real-time reports and data. All of our services are available 24/7. You just need Internet access.

Thanks to years of listening to our customers, we've paved the way so you can build solid, long-term email marketing relationships with your recipients. With competitive pricing and sophisticated features, you can focus on what really matters: bringing in more sales, grabbing a bigger audience, and optimizing your email marketing campaigns in the very best way possible.

Here's a breakdown of what we offer:
Email list management
Sophisticated email list management features, letting you upload lists, divide your lists, and even create lists from scratch.
A fully customizable, CAN-SPAM compliant email Signup Form that you can place on your Website pages to automatically sign up new subscribers.
Email creation
Access to our Email Builder, used to drag-and-drop in text, images and more.
Free reign over dozens of professional, themed email templates.
An intelligent email creation system that lets you use our templates, your templates, or even build email layouts from scratch.
Personalization features that let you address recipients by name and other options.
Email surveys
Create custom surveys featuring up to 20 questions.
Use multiple choice, essay or other types of answers.
View recipient answers in real time via our reporting suite.
Email campaign scheduling
Schedule campaigns to go out immediately.
Schedule email campaigns to send days, weeks, even months in advance.
Create automatic autoresponder campaigns that send emails on a cycled basis.
Email marketing reports
View email marketing data in real time.
See who opened your emails, who didn't, which emails were forwarded and more.
Compare campaigns on a side-by-side basis.
Email marketing resources
Read helpful email marketing articles, tip sheets and more.
Find out if your email campaign is CAN-SPAM compliant.
Find out ways to improve your delivery, craft professional copy and make your campaigns more professional and effective.

Test drive our features with our free 30-day trial. It's completely no risk. You won't even need a credit card.

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