Security & Privacy
Benchmark guarantees secure, professional protection
Benchmark Email executes a multi-tiered approach to website security, employing Physical, Network, Host, Software and Application systems to ensure that your information remains safe and out of the hands of hackers and spammers. We are committed to upholding the integrity of your data, and listed below are just a few of the security measures we take with your information:
Your data is maintained and isolated in secure, undisclosed locations.
- All servers are secured using firewalls that cannot be accessed on public IPs.
- Your account data is regularly updated and backed up off site.
- Your login and credit card information is encrypted with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
- Vulnerability scans, security reviews, intrusion detection and system audits are carried out by highly trained professional staff and third-party groups like McAfee.
- We do not sell or rent lists. We do not share information.
For more information on Data Security at Benchmark Email, read our FAQ : How secure is our data if we host it through Benchmark Email?